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Are you a surfer? Here are some reasons why yoga is beneficial for you

Each sport has its own specific movements and posture that may create over time muscle imbalances and cause pain.

For the last 4 years I have been teaching to surfers all around the World and have seen how complementary it was and how it improved their way of moving in the water.

With yoga sequences created specifically for surfers, pre session to prepare and build the strength and mobility necessary and post session to alleviate the pain and increase the flexibility.

Learning how to breathe properly might be the biggest benefits surfers will get from practicing yoga. It calms and focuses the mind and will be giving you the lung capacity to handle being held down by the waves.


Surfing "Anatomy"


During paddling, the muscles in the back of the neck, upper back, and lower back are in constant contraction, causing tension and muscular shortening of the trapezius and other neck muscles. 

As well, shoulders tend to go inwards which makes it important to include chest openers and shoulder stretches in a regular yoga practice.

In the surf stance the hips tend to get chronically tight, so stretching the hips is very important. Hip mobility also means a faster, smoother popup on your board.

The turns and cutbacks can be made hard by a limited rotation in the mid back including twists to increase the range of motion will be very effective.


On which key aspects will I be helping you?


  • Building core strength

  • Challenging and Improving the Balance

  • Increasing hips and hamstrings flexibility

  • Releasing neck and lower back tension

  • Reducing the shoulders stiffness and strengthening the shoulder stabilizers

  • ​Improving thoracic spine rotation

  • Breathing and breath holding exercises

  • Mindfullness and Concentration




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